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Monday, January 24, 2011

Reflection: Mobile Success

We are in a mobile phone and application era. This is the time that we live in. I use a windows phone that does anything that I want. I can shop, browse the internet, post on facebook, tweet, play games, watch HD movies...The list of things goes on and on, and I absolutely love it. What guys does not like technology? This mobile payment technology is new and the direction that many industries are going. About half of our population has some kind of web browsing cellular phone. The speed that these applications are hitting the market is incredible. It seems that everyday there is some new app craze.

Wow Bao and it's management decided to open their restaurant to these technologies. It is working, but with all new technology there is work to be done, and just about always refining to do. But to be able to send a coupon out via the app and have over a 20% conversion rate is incredible. As a former business owner I know first hand that print ads and direct mailings only convert about 5 percent. So to get close to five times that is awesome. I know that you are sending a coupon to a previous customer and someone who wants to receive them as opposed to a general all market ad. It is definitely a better investment. This technology is investing in customer's that are loyal and building the brand. The company still has to build and grow customers but this seems like a great tool to have and use.

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